Reviving a Beautiful Tradition

Yesterday, as we were packing up from our rummage sale, Sr. Rebecca came across some linens which she showed me, wondering if we could possibly use them for chapel.

A couple of pieces proved large enough to be made into chalice veils for Mass.

They were plain white, however.

In order to make it fitting and beautiful for liturgical use, I decided to embroider an emblem on one.

employ appAfter doing a little searching, I came up with the idea of having a blue ‘M’ with a gold cross.  This way, we can use the new veil for Marian feast days.

I measured the cloth, printed the design, emboldened it with black marker, and traced it in the desired place.

Now, I have it in my embroidery hoop and am on my way towards finishing my first chalice veil.

This liturgical embroidery, actually, borrows from a long-standing tradition in our community.

Our Sisters, over the years, had embroidered countless vestments and other items for liturgical use.

Unfortunately, our vestment department had to close some time back.

As I stitch, trying to make the cloth beautiful, I think lovingly of the hard, dedicated work our Sisters did over the years, working at such tasks day in and day out (with much greater skill than I have, I am sure).

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2 thoughts on “Reviving a Beautiful Tradition

  1. That looks lovely! My mother is a sacristan at our local church and she embroiders all the chalice veils, altar cloths and vestments – even a very vibrant rose set for Gaudete and Laetare Sundays.


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