“…I Watch for Your Coming”

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe second antiphon in this morning’s Liturgy of the Hours spoke to me in an unusually powerful way.

I was preparing to head back to Grand Forks after an eight-day home visit.

As I faced the day, a bit of uncertainty dampened my spirits.  Transitioning back into everyday life after time away can be a challenge; the problems left behind don’t tend to disappear during one’s absence.

This verse of the Office, however, spoke comfort to my soul.  I did not know what would await me on my return to “real life,” but I did know Who would be with me every step of the way.

I realized that during this day, with its joys and challenges, I could “watch” for Christ’s coming into my life.  He would surely appear in the little events of the day ahead as I traveled.  He would be with me, too, as I “picked up where I left off.”

Now back in Grand Forks, as I try to get odds and ends done, I am gratefully aware that He is with me still.  I pray that I may be more watchful and aware of His wondrous comings in my everyday life.

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