“My Little Sister’s Coming!”

IMG_20170916_110135383_HDR.jpgAbout a week ago, I got an email from my sister asking if I was up for company over the weekend.

After checking things out here, I informed her that I certainly was.

Soon after, I could be heard sharing the exciting news with a co-worker: “My little sister’s coming!”

Angie has come with my parents before when they’ve driven the 330 mile trek to visit me in Grand Forks.  However, it was particularly nice, touching, and special to have a visit from her by herself.

She arrived Friday evening, and Saturday morning we walked together to Town Square, where we visited the Farmers’ Market.

As you can see from the picture, she found some fresh beets to take home with her.

Some people wonder about how family ties are effected when a person enters religious life.  There certainly are variations from community to community.

While logistics of visits with family are certainly impacted, these relationships are not ended when one enters a religious community.  Although I don’t talk to my family members every day, I do include them in my daily prayers.  I am grateful for their prayer support for me as well.



One thought on ““My Little Sister’s Coming!”

  1. It was so nice to meet your sister. Thank you for sharing your family with us.
    Those beet greens certainly looked nice and fresh for a side dish or soup.


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