Help to Answer the Call

Image result for help answer phone free clip artMy first perception of a call to religious life came during my college years, but, lacking knowledge of where I should go or what exactly I should be looking for, I finished my studies, majoring in written communication.

Later, I was searching and trying to find out where I should be.  Knowing I was looking into religious life, the editor of the Catholic publication for which I wrote mentioned the Labouré Society (which helps eliminate financial obstacles to one’s entrance into religious life or the priesthood).

Having received scholarships, parental assistance, and working myself, I did not have any college loans to pay off.  However, I was gratified to hear about the fine work the Society undertook.

Now, years later, I was reminded of the Labouré Society again, happening upon  their website.    After some communication with them, I thought I would share about their ministry in this blog.

According to their own materials, “the Labouré Society exists to provide financial assistance and spiritual support to individuals who must resolve student loans in order to pursue a vocation to the priesthood and/or religious life in the Catholic Church…[They] are a team of Catholic business professionals working to increase vocations to the Catholic Church.”

The group is named after Saint Catherine Labouré because of the important place Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and St. Catherine Labouré have in their history.

Since its founding in 2003, The Society has assisted 275 individuals by awarding over $4 million for student debt reduction.

When I was home visiting my family last week, I was invited to visit at their nearby office, but sadly ran out of time on that brief trip.

Their program may be of interest both to those wishing to support religious vocations and to those pursuing their vocation but in need of support.

May Our Lady continue to intercede for them in their fine and important work!
Sr. Christina M. Neumann

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