“Keep My Eyes on Jesus…”

LFS-motto-300x225Sometimes, do you find, that life isn’t so easy?

Between difficulties of daily life, spring fever (getting sick of the cold weather and gray skies), and whatever else comes, it can be easy enough to forget the joy of this Easter season we’re in the middle of celebrating.

Recently, when thinking about this, a wonderful realization came to mind.  We can get mopey and down when keeping our eyes on ourselves.

If I can change my focus, my attention, from myself to Jesus, I will be much better off.   Instead of dwelling on myself and my struggles, I need to look to Jesus and “keep my eyes on [Him].”

There is a song about Peter walking on the water which comes to mind.  The refrain is: “If I keep my eyes on Jesus, I can walk on water.”

This is very true; if only I can remember it!

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