“In the Morning When I Rise…Give Me Jesus”

IMG_0815There is an old folk song: “In the morning when I rise…give me Jesus.”  Although it sounds a bit forward at first, it makes a point that really resonates with me, especially after my recent travels.

I was privileged to attend a weekend retreat for the High School Youth Group from my home parish of St. Joseph’s in West St. Paul, Minnesota.  After this, I had a day and a half to spend with my family back there.

It was so nice to be able to take part in these activities.  However, as the days went on, I did miss the proximity of our Lord’s Eucharistic presence to which I am accustomed here at St. Anne’s.  No longer was the a chapel right down the hall, and I had to try to sneak in private prayer where I could get it.  I really missed my time of quiet with Jesus first thing in the morning.

This time has become dear to me and provides me with needed support for my daily life.  I find that difficult times have made me appreciate and rely upon this time of prayer early in the morning more than ever before.

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