They’re Still There!!!

Today, having heard that the temperature was to get up to 60, I was finally able to get out in the yard and uncover my “little trees.”  Our maintenance man, Jasen, and I had planted them last fall, surrounding them with leaves for added protection, and covered them with pails for the winter.

Now, as spring appears to be here (I’d better not hold my breath), it is time to let my little seedlings see the sun.

They are so tiny that you can hardly see them, but they’re still there!

The sun is not too strong yet, but it should be increasing.  Hopefully, when warmer days come, my “little trees” will start soaking in the sun…Hopefully, within a few weeks, I can see some green, some new life!

I think there are some lessons for my own life in these little seedlings!



2 thoughts on “They’re Still There!!!

  1. Sounds like Spring is finally in Grand Forks North Dakota
    What a wonderful idea to plant trees on the east side of the building
    It is going to be beautiful addition to St. Annes


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