“Else the Journey Will Be Too Long for You”

IMG_0895This morning, I came to Chapel to have some quiet time before starting the busyness of the day.

Since I am beginning my turn at planning and reading for liturgies this week, I thought I’d better cover the first and second readings in my meditation.  (One is supposed to meditate on the scripture passages before reading them at Mass.)

As I was reading about Elijah’s experience in the first book of Kings, one line really struck me.

Having practiced the psalm and heard the gospel, I already knew that this Sunday’s readings had a Eucharistic theme.  I had not realized, though, until this moment, the beautiful Eucharistic foreshadowing that existed in this morning’s first reading as well.

Here, Elijah is being feed to strengthen him for the journey that lies ahead.  Although his hope is faltering, the prophet is commanded: “Get up and eat, else the journey will be too long for you!” 

In light of the gift of the Eucharist, foretold by Christ in the subsequent gospel, the beauty of these words and their significance in my life was powerful.

I need the strength, given by Christ in the Eucharist, for my journey.

This past year has not been an easy one.  A number of stress factors have made my journey a bit more rocky of late.  However, I am given the wondrous food for the journey each day: Jesus Himself.  I need to keep turning to His strength, given to me in this marvelous way, to sustain me on my journey as Elijah was sustained with food from above so long ago.

I realize, too, that once a day may not be enough.  I would do well to re-kindle may efforts at making a “spiritual communion” throughout the day.

If I stay close to Jesus, especially by turning to Him in the Eucharist, the journey will not be too long.  He will sustain me.

Sr. Christina M. Neumann

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