“…Save in the Cross”

P1010025.JPGThis evening, before praying “first vespers” for our solemnity of St. Francis (our patron and founder), we concluded our annual preparatory novena leading up to his feast.

This prayer, which honors our holy founder and asks his intercession, begins with the passage for Galatians (6:14): “God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

This verse, so true to St. Francis’ spirit, reminds me “not to glory” in anything except the Cross.  Francis’ example of humility and his love for Christ inspire my in my daily life.

He knew what a powerful thing the cross was!  He actually suffered vision loss from all his tears of sorrow for our suffering Lord.

If only I had more of this sentiment and greater love and thought for Our Lord and His sufferings.

Like St. Francis, I need to keep my eyes on our crucified Lord, not “glorying” in any of my own undertakings.

When things go well, I need to give Him due credit.  When I face difficulties, I can thank Him for the cross and ask Him to be with me in the struggle to bear it.

2 thoughts on ““…Save in the Cross”

  1. Amen to your writing Sister Christina. I had a strange, but beautiful dream last night. I’m sure the Lord is trying to tell me something, but I can’t articulate it right now. Your writing helps! God bless you.


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