“For Where Two or Three…[or Eight]”

IMG_0897.JPGThis seems to be a time for ‘slim pickings’ for liturgical attendance at St. Anne’s!

Last night, for evening prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours, there were only three of us!  The two other Sisters who serve here with me are out of town at a North Dakota Long Term Care meeting in Bismarck.

One of our residents who customarily prays with us was detained with business.  This left me and the married couple who has the 6 p.m. adoration hour on Tuesdays.

They took one side of the “choir” for praying the psalms and I took the other.

This morning at Mass, my other Sisters were still gone and there was only one outside visitor.  Hygiene needs, injury and other business prevented a few residents who are “regulars” from coming to daily Mass.  The cold weather and poor road conditions may have also taken their toll.  Consequently, there were only eight persons in our congregation on this cold morning.

Although I would like to see more people taking part in this beautiful gift we call ‘liturgy,’ there is something beautiful, too, in smallness.

Jesus said, “…where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matt. 18:20)

He did not require a giant congregation in order to be present.  The Last Supper, in fact, was a group of only thirteen.  We are graced with His blessed presence despite our smallness.

How many aspects of our faith, in fact, are small (or start out that way)!  Jesus also spoke of faith the size of a mustard seed.  He came as a small baby.  When He comes to us at Holy Communion, He is once again very small.

Sometimes I might be tempted to think that my feeble efforts are too small.  There are so many needs in our world – what can my weak efforts and prayers possibly do?

In all this, I am reminded that my own smallness does not mean worthless or unimportant.  I need to keep praying, keep trying and let God produce the growth.

7 thoughts on ““For Where Two or Three…[or Eight]”

  1. Persevere! Your message reached my heart and was the answer to my struggle today! May God bless and sustain your incredible faith. Joyous Chrismas prayers to you!


  2. Sometimes we do so very small things and think we only should do the big things to get God’s notice, but it is in the small steps were we make progress!
    A beautiful Advent and a Blessed Christmas to you.


  3. For Saint Therese, it was her precisely her smallness that made her great. “We can not all do great things; Do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
    And so it is with you, Sister, as you do day-by-day, the “little things” God has called you to do. It may seem small, but done with love, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, your “small” deeds become truly great works in God’s Kingdom. You are loved and appreciated more than you know!


    • Thank you. God bless you.

      On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 1:48 AM, Our Franciscan Fiat wrote:

      > Paulette wilm commented: “Sr, Christiana Your passion and gifted ness to > is something we both share. Please continue to write. I am enjoying your > words so much.” >


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