Inspirations from the U.S. Air Force ‘Tops in Blue’ Performance

unnamed.jpgWednesday evening, Sr. Elaine, Sr. Rebecca, and I attended the U.S. Air Force’s ‘Tops in Blue’ performance at the Chester Fritz Auditorium here in Grand Forks.  The event, held there from time to time (possibly on an annual basis), was free and open to the public.  The performers, who entertained with a variety of music and dancing, were very talented!

Although this was a secular performance, a couple things from the program actually struck me on a spiritual level.  One of these was toward the beginning, when the performers were processing in.  Some were already up on stage while others walked down the aisles, past us in the audience, instruments in hand.  Each one had a role to play, whether it be blowing a trumpet, beating a drum, or doing some other musical task. What touched me was: No one had a huge task, but each one had his role to play.  Although it may seem insignificant, they all worked together, taking their places, to make a fantastic performance.

This, to me, stood as an allegory for God’s plan for our world.  Each of us is called to do our little part, to live our life in His plan.  When we do so, we become part of His masterful symphony.  Though our role may seem insignificant, we can all be part of this beautiful scene as it unfolds, like the one I saw before me that night.  It was touching to watch the performers come in and take their places, each with their part to play.

I guess I was in a bit of a reflective mood that evening because another aspect of ‘Tops in Blue’ stirred me as well.  Later in the performance, a violinist played the 1968 song “My Way.”  Having heard the words before, I knew that in this song the artist tells of having done things his way.  As I sat, listening and enjoying the beauty of the instrumental rendition, I thought about the lyrics of the refrain: “I did it my way.”  As I thought a little about it, I realized what I would want my lyrics to be.  It became almost a prayer.  I hope and fervently pray that my lyrics, my song, might be instead: “I did it Your way.”

I think this can be an inspiration to me, when I am called or inspired to do something I don’t really care to do, I can remind myself that life’s not about doing things my way, but rather, in the end, I truly want to have lived my life Your way.  In this way, I will have taken my small but fitting place in the beautiful masterpiece which is God’s plan for our world.


6 thoughts on “Inspirations from the U.S. Air Force ‘Tops in Blue’ Performance

  1. This piece is truly beautiful, Sr. Christina. It certainly is inspiring. I’ve often thought “I did it my way” was
    wrong. We need to do it His way. May I use this in the Franciscan Musings next month?


  2. Sister Christina reminded me of a homily I heard several years ago on Father’s Day. It was a wordplay on the television show “Father Knows Best” – the title having been changed to “Our Father Knows Best”. It explained how we, as the children of our Lord God, may pray for and ask His help for needs that we find important but, that He may sometimes say “wait” or “I don’t have that in mind for you” or even “NO”. Those answers might be hard to take (especially in this electronic age when we all seek immediate results) but, they will be the rule after all.
    I, too, have been led to a place where God’s word has spoken to me when I least expected it. Once, it was the Psalm on a t-shirt at an amusement park.


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